Your story will be shared...we see this all the time here in Florida.
-- First Husbands Advocacy Group - Florida Alimony and Custody Laws Reform
Yeah that sounds familiar. I just love the false allegations with no physical evidence to support their claim.
--T. Zarcone
OK I will share your page...Thanks!
-- C. Wallace
Women like her, and I know a few, AREN'T MOTHERS REALLY, BUT MONEY GRABBING @@@@@!
-- S. Courtnell-Edwards
I hope it all works out. Can't imagine what (you) have gone thru.
-- J. Beckett
Any "person" who uses their innocent child as a tool or weapon should be punished, as cruelly and in-humanely as possible! It's reprehensible to deprive a four year old of a birthday party just to cause grief to the father. The child will never forget this nor will she forget the reason behind it. This so-called mother will have to face the consequences of her actions, and IMHO, I hope sooner rather than later!
-- A. Squire- Smith
"My children are a gift that God gave me. The state did not receive those children from God and then forward them on to me with conditions. God gave those children to me. I will stand before Him to be judged on how I raise my children, and I don't believe it's appropriate for the state to step in and either play God-- or play parent.
-- American Fathers Liberation Army
A complex and emotional story! Thank you for sharing this.
-- Shared Parenting Confessional
Tavis has ruined my life and that of my ex (who hired them) and that of my children. Mostly due to incompetence and causing issues and instilling fear in their client. I am a good person and I could have destroyed my ex but instead elected to follow a path that would allow me to live knowing that I did what I could to protect my ex from her idiot attorney. Now I'm picking up the pieces, a humble & broke person who lost his ability to pay for his children's education and is never going to be able to retire.I wish you the best of luck, but even if you don't succeed, your daughter will always be there and no matter what crap they throw at you, she will grow up loving you and eventually she'll chose to live with you anyway. Be careful that those blood suckers don't sue you. They are filthy rich from the misery they have caused in Sonoma County and I truly think they are dangerous.
-- Anonymous, Santa Rosa, CA
Many family court judges and attorneys are out of control in this nation. Don't believe me? Take a look:
We must return judicial accountability to protect the children of this nation. We must expose these corrupt individuals once an for all. Your help exposing my case would be greatly appreciated.
-- Mario J., Miami, FL
Saw this in the (U.K.) Daily Mail and wanted to share it with you. Cheers, David M., Leeds, U.K.
Many men and men's organisations have been pointing this out for years and years. Yet still nothing changes, and the conveyor belt continues to churn out thousands of damaged and dysfunctional children. And those men and their organisations continue to be ridiculed and vilified. There is a vast and deadly consensus that fathers are unnecessary for children's success and happiness, and it does not seem to matter how much evidence is brought to prove the contrary; it is still ignored by successive governments, by the courts, by the mass media (and the Mail has been as guilty as many others) and the feminist lobby. All of these forces have conspired, and continue to conspire on a daily basis, to portray fathers as useless and pointless, and to ensure mothers are treated as the superior and primary - and if required, the exclusive - parent. It is quite obscene that all these forces also still claim to believe in equality. Until that changes, the misery will continue.
-- Paul P., Norfolk, UK
The State Bar should investigate Mr. Bunyard. Clearly egregious behavior and an abuse of the judicial process to interfere in family law matters in this manner. His behavior must violate some bar canons. Personally, I'd file a motion for him to be disqualified from the case.
-- CONFIDENTIAL, Sacramento, CA
I work with a woman whose husband is an attorney and has practiced family law here in Sonoma county. I asked her if she knows or has heard about Shawn Bunyard from her husband. Whoa.... I heard an earful. Her husband has absolutely no respect whatsoever for Mr. Bunyard or his firm. Says they are sharks and only in it for the money. She also told me about the widespread corruption that goes on in the family court circuit. Attorneys, judges, and others in the court that "look out for each other". Corruption at its finest.... called Family Court!
-- Stephanie M., Santa Rosa, CA
Shawn R. Bunyard
Please Note: Given the level of vehemence expressed through many
of the Comments we've received about Tavis & Bunyard and Shawn Bunyard, we can only include those which are borderline friendly.
Someone should call the Justice Dept. about this firm. When I do further research, I discover that this is not the first time they have used these tactics to draw money from the opposition and their own clients. We should pool our resources. I've provided my contact info.
-- Jim B., Windsor, CA
Wtf kind of sick demented piece of trash (no offence to trash) would do something like this to a child? There is rope readily available at most stores. I suggest he go hang himself as to not inflict anymore stupidity on our fellow human beings.
-- William G., Dryden, Ontario, CANADA
good luck. I did not see my kids for 7 years but have them now fulltime.
-- Robert G., St. Johns, CANADA
At my age, I don't get emotional much, and I am kind of guarded about believing people anymore. But Ralph, your story just fills me with so much emotion, outrage, sadness, frustration and anger.
I have to say you must be one of the strongest men I know to be able to withstand what you have been put through, and still keep trying to make a connection with your daughter. It has been years that we have been talking about your case, and it just never seems to let up at all. You are a hero to me.
That's the real tragedy, the sheer vindictiveness and criminality of the system. The absolute evil of a government we were all brought up to think was the best in the world. What happened to the LAW?
Are we just a nation if ignoramuses who can ignore 500 years of legal evolution?
Ralph Man, I have to applaud you for making yourself visible. I know it is a HUGE risk for you. But only with people like you will we affect change. In my industry, electronics (I work for NViDIA and I worked for 3Com for many years) we have very well developed systems for process improvement, we call it "MAKING PROBLEMS VISIBLE" or MPV.
That's how you keep process problems from becoming dangerous. In my opinion our state government needs a huge dose of MPV and that's what you have been doing. Not many people are willing to take up the task.
Ralph, you are doing a really good thing man.
Please keep it up and don't let anyone tell you are going too far.
-J. Altizer, San Jose, CA
Tavis made her $ and is married to a Sonoma County Judge! The rumor is the other attorney is her son from a former marriage, just a rumor no proof, he's def riding on her coat tails.... And she's evil.... I've had friends she's destroyed while taking their $$$ Sonoma County is so corrupt other attorneys won't go in there to practice!
-- Barbara M., Sonoma County